Monday, October 31, 2011

Restart and Refresh

The last time I entered an entry for this blog I was trying to lose the baby weight from Leah. I didn't succeed. I failed horribly. In fact, I managed to only lose twenty pounds and then found out I was pregnant with baby number two!

Fast-forward nine months and I am in the same place I was almost two years ago!! Holy crap...The only difference now is that I am thirty as of five days ago, I work much longer hours, and I have two daughters under two. I can pretend and make up excuses as to why I didn't follow through with my blog or why I didn't have more success dropping the weight, but in the words of a friend's husband, "excuses are like assholes--only shit comes out of them." And that pretty much sums up how I feel about making excuses for myself.

So....I am here again to try it again. I am thirty. I am embarking on a new decade with new possibilities. I also have two daughters know who need to have a role model in their lives who does not have issues with food and who lives a healthy and active life. I as the same-sex parent know this person is me. I also know that I cannot put a ton of pressure on myself to accomplish everything because I tend to do this and then I run out of steam or hit a brick wall because I tried to take on too much too soon. So here is my basic plan for the next month. As of 11/1 I will be 2 weeks post c-section and still in recovery mode so my exercise is limited but these are the activities I can start:

Walk everyday on treadmill for 20-40 minutes at a comfortable pace.
Clean up my diet and remove diary (baby 2 has a protein sensitivity) and other simple carbs and sugars
Log my meals with calories here daily (if nothing else) and post entries that describe my feelings, workouts, and meals.
Track my weight loss and record my future race times as I plan on entering several 5k and 10k races in the next six months.

Recovering from a c-section means that I will have to take it more slowly in the beginning and in the past this would have discouraged me, but I think I have finally come to understand that sustainable weight-loss is about putting one foot in front of the other and not worry about the end result because it's a journey.