Monday, January 25, 2010

I Joined Weight Watchers

Today I stepped on the scale. I knew I gained weight during pregnancy but I didn't realize I gained 50 pounds. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. What the heck did I do? What did I eat to cause me to feel like the size of a mini-van? I mean sure I knew that I wasn't close to being my ideal weight because I just had a baby, but I had no idea that I was this far from being healthy. I didn't just let the ball drop on this one, I hurled the ball to the ground in one strong throw. Wow. I needed to think about this. I needed to allow myself to be upset that I pushed my body this far from fitting into a pair of jeans a size you can actually say aloud. Why did I allow myself to hide in my comfy maternity pants and sweats for so long? Fear. Yup. I was afraid of this moment right here when I had to sit down with the number and own it.

My biggest weakness is lack of accountability and control. I thought about what I ate yesterday and realized that I eat too much at each meal. I have allowed myself to eat like this so often and for so long that I forgot what a healthy portion size looks like. I forgot that a portion size of meat is only about the size of your palm or 4 oz. I realize now that this whole time I have been overeating and never really thinking about the sheer amount of food I was consuming.

Now yes, pregnancy does call for an increase in calories, but it doesn't call for what I did. If I kept going like this my daughter would have a very overweight and unhealthy mom. I never want her to have to worry about me like I did with my parents growing up so I am stopping this madness today. I took a much needed step and joined Weight Watcher online and am tracking my food and weight as of today.

I'm not happy that I have to rely on a service to help me maintain better eating habits, but it's better than sitting around complaining about my weight and not taking action. I am hoping that with the help of Weight Watchers and my former workout habits I will be in even better shape by the summer. I am also going to sign myself up for a couple of 5k and 10k races for the spring/summer to help me stay motivated with running. I will keep updating on my progress with this as I will need the encouragement and outlet for reflection and accountability.

Picture Time Picture Time

So my husband is obessessed with taking pictures of Leah. He has recently accquired an impressive camera and tripod and loves to spend hours taking random pictures in an attempt to learn photography. Here is some evidence of his learning:

All I can say is why doesn't he fix this child's hair before taking her photos. Poor baby Leah, Daddy doesn't know how important good hair is to a girl.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Solution

Leah finally made it back to her somewhat normal sleeping schedule. Meaning Todd and I were able to sleep from 11:30pm until 2:30am and then from 3:00am until 7:00am! Sweet!! I feel like a new woman now that I actually had stretches of uninterrupted sleep. I felt like I was given a giant gift; it was almost better than sex!

The solution was gas drops and the use of an anti-colic bottle for when Todd fed Leah at 3am. I do breastfeed Leah, but I allow Todd to fed the little one pumped milk so I can get some rest.

In other exciting news, today I am going to go to the gym. I have my MIL coming over to watch Leah as I get my postpartum butt in shape. I can't do anything besides walk on the treadmill because I haven't been to my six week appointment, but still it's something. At least I feel like I am making some progress and for me it's a big accomplishment considering these last couple of days I felt like my legs might give out and I would crumble to floor in one giant sloppy mess of exhaustion. So this is a treat for me because it will give me some much needed alone time that I don't get much of these days except for the ten minutes of shower time that I manage to squeeze in between Leah's feedings and life.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Round Two

We had another horrible night. Leah was "colicky" again and therefore so was I today. Despite my cranky mood I did manage to get to grocery store and buy some much needed supplies and vaccumed my downstairs. Oh and I also made the bed (that we did not sleep in because we camped out on couch again so Leah could rock her night away in her swing). So I'm saying that today was a good day because I'm still standing after two nights of no sleep.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Horrible Night

Now I know that with newborns moms are expected to understand that there will be days and nights were you question your sanity. Last night though was beyond just questioning my sanity. I believe that I teetered on the edge of insanity as I had a major meltdown at 3:30am on my living room floor because Leah would not stop crying. Normally I would not have minded so much, but nothing, I repeat, nothing was able to calm her down. Not even the tried-and-true Lamby Swing that quiets her down in 2.2 seconds flat.

Instead I found myself jumping from one remedy to another in a bleary-eyed desultory state that left me racked with frustration. The main culprit of Leah's discomfort, you ask? I have no idea. I want to say it was gas or constipation, but I can't be sure. I think I could have convinced myself it was gas last night in hopes that there would be an end to the screaming and crying. I could have told myself anything at that point last night. Someone could have said that it was because she was allergic to the color beige and in twelve days after drinking apple juice mixed with ketchup the color beige would stop upsetting her and I swear to god I would have believed that. Really I would have because it would have meant that someone had an answer for me that would end my misery.

But alas I have no answer. No real answer. I have my speculations that I ate onions and this caused her to have gas, but I have no proof. So I'm waiting. I'm anxiously awaiting tonight (because Leah has been passed out today due to her formidable exertion and thus stopped screaming) and I'm hoping that whatever caused last night's torment is not a repeat offender.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Leah and Mommy after a day at the park:

Friday, January 15, 2010

Leah Reagan Gruet

Horrid Picture

Okay so I promised myself that I would post a picture of me 4 weeks sans baby and I will. It's really revolting to have to deal with how far I have let myself go, but I will. I will. I will post a before and after picture of myself so that one can really get the full effect. It's pretty astonishing. Before Wedding Day 7/06/07: Before Summer of '05 Post Baby Jan. 2010 Let me just say that this picture was taken at 10pm after little sleep with no makeup and in sweats. Well at least that is my excuse for looking so horrible. Take #2 (after witnessing above photo): As we can see I need to really focus on getting back into shape. I can't even tell you how many pounds I have lost since delivery date because I have refused to track my weight during pregnancy. I didn't want to know the number on the scale because in high school and later I had a real issue with my weight and developed an eating disorder because of low body image. This low body image was the driving force behind my 2x daily gym trips and insane workout schedule. So many people thought I was a fitness freak, but it really came from a fear of being overweight again. Therefore I have worked really hard on not obsessing about my weight and now I am forced to deal with the scale this Sunday when my diet begins. I know I can drop the weight because I did it before, but this time I want it to be healthy. I have a doctor's appointment today for a postpartum follow-up and I will ask her when I can start working out again. I know they say 6 weeks, but it's been 4 and I feel like I'm recovered. Although I did have a c-section so she might want me to wait out the next two weeks before I resume my "Insanity" workouts. Here is a link to the DVD series that I will be executing once I get the green light from doctor:

New Home.

New home. I had to change my blog because I wasn't able to disable my students from getting access to my personal blog via their class blog if I wanted to keep my profile viewable. So here I am. New url; same blog.