Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Solution

Leah finally made it back to her somewhat normal sleeping schedule. Meaning Todd and I were able to sleep from 11:30pm until 2:30am and then from 3:00am until 7:00am! Sweet!! I feel like a new woman now that I actually had stretches of uninterrupted sleep. I felt like I was given a giant gift; it was almost better than sex!

The solution was gas drops and the use of an anti-colic bottle for when Todd fed Leah at 3am. I do breastfeed Leah, but I allow Todd to fed the little one pumped milk so I can get some rest.

In other exciting news, today I am going to go to the gym. I have my MIL coming over to watch Leah as I get my postpartum butt in shape. I can't do anything besides walk on the treadmill because I haven't been to my six week appointment, but still it's something. At least I feel like I am making some progress and for me it's a big accomplishment considering these last couple of days I felt like my legs might give out and I would crumble to floor in one giant sloppy mess of exhaustion. So this is a treat for me because it will give me some much needed alone time that I don't get much of these days except for the ten minutes of shower time that I manage to squeeze in between Leah's feedings and life.


  1. Im a new follower :) I love your blog! Hope you get more and more sleep!

  2. Okay I tried to email you back about the fireplace idea to say I love that idea and thanks! It wouldnt send it so I figured Id post it on here!

  3. New reader! Hang in there. It gets better!!
