Friday, January 15, 2010

Horrid Picture

Okay so I promised myself that I would post a picture of me 4 weeks sans baby and I will. It's really revolting to have to deal with how far I have let myself go, but I will. I will. I will post a before and after picture of myself so that one can really get the full effect. It's pretty astonishing. Before Wedding Day 7/06/07: Before Summer of '05 Post Baby Jan. 2010 Let me just say that this picture was taken at 10pm after little sleep with no makeup and in sweats. Well at least that is my excuse for looking so horrible. Take #2 (after witnessing above photo): As we can see I need to really focus on getting back into shape. I can't even tell you how many pounds I have lost since delivery date because I have refused to track my weight during pregnancy. I didn't want to know the number on the scale because in high school and later I had a real issue with my weight and developed an eating disorder because of low body image. This low body image was the driving force behind my 2x daily gym trips and insane workout schedule. So many people thought I was a fitness freak, but it really came from a fear of being overweight again. Therefore I have worked really hard on not obsessing about my weight and now I am forced to deal with the scale this Sunday when my diet begins. I know I can drop the weight because I did it before, but this time I want it to be healthy. I have a doctor's appointment today for a postpartum follow-up and I will ask her when I can start working out again. I know they say 6 weeks, but it's been 4 and I feel like I'm recovered. Although I did have a c-section so she might want me to wait out the next two weeks before I resume my "Insanity" workouts. Here is a link to the DVD series that I will be executing once I get the green light from doctor:

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